Jmix Wizard 1.0.0 released

Hi everyone,

I updated the Wizard addon from CUBA Platform to Jmix. You can find it here: mariodavid/jmix-wizard.

Jmix Wizard

This addon lets you create UI wizards through a specific UI component.

A UI wizard should be used in case of:

  • multi step input
  • complex decision workflows
  • the user needs to be guided through the process

For more information on this topic see: Wizard design pattern


Add the dependency to your project:

dependencies {
  implementation 'de.diedavids.jmix.wizard:jmix-wizard-starter:1.0.0'

NOTE: If you are updating from CUBA Platform, see Migration from CUBA.

Maven Repository

Right now, you have to add the following maven repository to download the addon:

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

This might change over the next weeks once the addon is available also and the Jmix Marketplace.