I had created 10 jobs to run on cron basis and deployed the same on tomcat server.
Since 10 crons are created every time user access the Quartz Job menu he will get to display 10 created crons list.
And if i try to deployed the same instance with creating 11th cron then 11 crons will be displayed on Quartz Job Menu.
Cant we enable only those crons required to work on the instances.
Suppose two scheduler instances are deployed on tomcat and total 11 crons are created to execute.
I want one instance to run only 3 crons and other instance to run 8 crons.
As it get difficult to run same instance in parallel and both are executing same cron threads and using memory.
public class alerts implements Job {
public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) throws JobExecutionException {