Kanban add customer fields

Hi JMIX Team,

Our team is struggling to add customer fields to Kanban cards, in the documentation of the addon we can see that you have already added customer fields like order or customer to the kanban cards in the Demo JMIX Bookstore, but i cannot find this example to understand how you did the coding in the Github for the demo application. Is there any plan to update the Bookstore with this feature? or would you be so kind to share this code or explain how to achieve this?

Thank you.



As far as I understand, the example and code you are interested in is in the integration-release_2_4-ui-comonents branch of the jmix-booksotre-2 repository. Here is a link where you can clone the example code: GitHub - jmix-framework/jmix-bookstore-2 at feature/integration-release_2_4-ui-components.

Best regards,

Hi, Thank you, that is what i was looking for.