Hello everyone,
I’m trying to setup a Kanban board to manage part of a billing approvals system. Unfortunately when I try to make the view I constantly get the error:
NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "io.jmix.core.metamodel.model.MetaPropertyPath.getMetaProperties()" because "metaPropertyPath" is null
I’m now beating my head against a rock because I can’t get anything to load, but the data table loads correctly in other list and detail view, so I know the data its self is correct.
Explanation of how I think it should work
I have a view that displays elements from my “billingShifts” table. I should just setup the following view descriptor and it should display the items in the kanban board separated by their values in the column “incompleteStatus” which is an enumeration value of BillingIncompleteStatus.
Here is the view descriptor:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<view xmlns="http://jmix.io/schema/flowui/view" xmlns:kanban="http://jmix.io/schema/kanban/ui"
<data readOnly="true">
<collection id="billingShiftsDc"
<fetchPlan extends="_base"/>
<loader id="billingShiftsDl" readOnly="true">
<![CDATA[select b from BillingShift b]]>
<dataLoadCoordinator auto="true"/>
<action id="selectAction" type="lookup_select"/>
<action id="discardAction" type="lookup_discard"/>
<genericFilter dataLoader="billingShiftsDl"/>
<kanban:kanban id="billingShiftKanban"
height="100%" collapsible="true" taskTagsVisible="true">
<kanban:propertiesMapping id="id"
text="a2Notes" tags="a2Notes"/>
<kanban:columns columnsEnum="com.company.alirem.entity.BillingIncompleteStatus"/>
Here is the view controller:
package com.company.alirem.view.billingshift;
import com.company.alirem.entity.BillingShift;
import com.company.alirem.view.main.MainView;
import com.vaadin.flow.router.Route;
import io.jmix.flowui.model.CollectionContainer;
import io.jmix.flowui.view.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@Route(value = "billignIncompleteKanban", layout = MainView.class)
@ViewController(id = "BillingIncomplete.list")
@ViewDescriptor(path = "billing-incomplete.xml")
@DialogMode(width = "64em")
public class BillingIncompleteKanban extends StandardListView<BillingShift> {
I’ve read through the documentation several times now, and nothing is working and this error doesn’t showup anywhere else with solutions I can find.
Thank you for any help,