LDAP properties not found

I’m having difficulty configuring LDAP properties in Jmix. I’ve added them to application.properties but I receive the following error when running the application:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [io/jmix/ldap/module.properties] cannot be opened because it does not exist

What file should contain LDAP properties? It’s not clear to me from the ldap add-on documentation. In CUBA, I put LDAP config in web-app.properties but I don’t see anything similar in Jmix.


There is a bug in LDAP 1.0.0. We’ll fix it in the next bugfix release.
The issue: https://github.com/Haulmont/jmix-ldap/issues/3

The application.properties is the right place for LDAP settings. After the bug is fixed, everything should work.

Hi, @dmitchell

As for now, there is a workaround for this problem.
Create an empty module.properties file and put it in the path: src/main/resources/io/jmix/ldap/module.properties.


Thanks! Simply creating an empty module.properties file in that location did the trick.