Hi Roman
Thank you. But this is not working for me for any unknown reason. When I have a composite project, do I need to put it in all add-ons or somewhere centrally?
Since my one is composite project, first I tried to use the code in the message.properties in the main application and then also used in the module I have target for this.
xml file
<columns resizable="true">
<column property="employeeProfile.employeeCode" key="employeeCode" autoWidth="true" frozen="true"/>
<column property="employeeProfile.name" key="name" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="attenDate" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="dayName" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="attendanceDayType" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="attenStatus" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="entryTime" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="exitTime" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="entryDate" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="exitDate" autoWidth="true"/>
<column property="workShift" autoWidth="true"/>
field data type

# Date formats
dateTimeFormat=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
localDateTimeFormat=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm
offsetTimeFormat=HH:mm Z
offsetDateTimeFormat=dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm Z
This is how it is displayed incorrectly.