Menu item bean opens in current tab


I’ve added a UserSettings entity and a UserSettingsEdit editor screen and I’m opening it from the menu via bean as a place where each user of this app can save their individual settings. Everything works great, but I noticed that if there’s a tab open in the app, the UserSettingsEdit screen opens in the existing tab:


My bean method looks like this:

    public void openUserSettingsForCurrentUser() {
        UserSettings userSettings = getUserSettingsForCurrentUser();
        FrameOwner frameOwner = AppUI.getCurrent().getTopLevelWindowNN().getFrameOwner();

        screenBuilders.editor(UserSettings.class, frameOwner)

    private UserSettings getUserSettingsForCurrentUser() {
        return dataManager.load(UserSettings.class)
                .query("select e from UserSettings e where e.user = :currentUser")
                .parameter("currentUser", currentUserSubstitution.getEffectiveUser())

I can only guess that the frameOwner portion of this screenBuilders statement is causing the scenario - i.e. - AppUI.getCurrent().getTopLevelWindowNN().getFrameOwner(). I’ve checked the documentation in Opening Screens, Screen Controllers, and Menu Config, as well as searched the forum for similar requests, and looked at Jmix’s file. I haven’t found a definitive answer for opening an editor screen in it’s own new tab. How should I go about achieving my intended results?

Thanks in advance,

Please disregard. A silly overlook on my part. I just added .withOpenMode(OpenMode.NEW_TAB) to the screenBuilders call and it works as expected.

Thanks anyway,

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