MetaProperty.range is null

Why does our production code run fine for a day after redeployment but then start throwing errors, while the same code works perfectly locally with the same database?

Please look at these attachments:
bug.txt (19.9 KB)

After debugging for a while, we noticed the root cause of this problem might be in this Jmix Class: io.jmix.eclipselink.impl.FetchGroupManager.class, line 561
Never had a second thought of Range of MetaProperty could be null.

I would appreciate your support on this matter. Thanks

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Can you provide class of entity and (if you found it during debug) specific property that causes this issue?

And also - what is your Jmix version?


Hi, list of entities and interfaces: (15.4 KB)

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Do you know what entity is affected exactly?
According to logs it is something loaded via your KanbanDataSupport. What entity does it work with.
It’s required to reduce the scope of research.

And what is your Jmix version?


Oh, sorry for my lack of response.

Jmix version: 2.4.4

Basically 2 entities are causing this exception which are jb_Applicant and jb_Vacancy you can see inside previously attached sample project, when I look at the logs, I see a name of metaPorperty is null when range comes null.

Thanks in advance!
Regards: Abdulmalik


The only recommendation for now - do not use lombok within entity class.
Remove Getter/Setter annotations, implement methods directly and check. This may help.
There is nothing else suspicious in your entities.

And also - do you use dynamic attributes? If so, do your deployments have the same configuration of them?
