Method-based property and change listener

It’s an idea to have method-based property field always refreshed on screen.

When I have a method-based property

fun getCurrentOwnersString(): String = stakeholders.filter { it.type?.code == InspectionStakeholderType.OWNER && it.current == true }.joinToString(", ") { it.fullName ?: "" }

And a screen with a field currentOwnersString

when I add a new stakeholder in the stakeholders list, the field is refreshed,
but when I modify an existing stakeholder already in the stakeholders list, there is no refresh.

It’s possible to track change on the screen but would not be better to have something like an event listener to fire a change on stakeholders if a field of stakeholder is changed ?

Something like

open fun onInspectionCaseStakeholderSaving(event: EntitySavingEvent<InspectionCaseStakeholder>) {