Migration CUBA Apps to JMIX

Hi there, we are planning to migrate our projects from CUBA (CUBA 7.2.0 / IntelliJ 2023.2) to JMIX.

Are there any recommendations what an environment should look like by supporting the CUBA projects and being able to do the migration at the same time (multiple installation of dev env., switch JMIX 1.5 to 2.0, licensing, etc)?



when a new version of IntelliJ is released and you update, CUBA and Jmix plugins may not work as they need to be upgraded by Haulmont to work. This happens fairly fast, but to prevent problems, I keep separate IntelliJ IDE versions using this tool https://www.jetbrains.com/toolbox-app/

You may want to install WSL2 or some hypervisor to have a Linux VM, and Docker for WIndows (or equivalents for Mac or Linux) so you can test deployment.

Kind regards,

CUBA → Jmix is nightmarish, I won’t lie. Pay VERY CLOSE attention to the migration guide; don’t miss a step!

And if you plan to then go to Jmix 2.0, you have to re-do all of your screens, all of them, because Jmix 2.0 does not have “classic UI” - only Flow UI which requires a total nuke and re-do of all your screens.

Both CUBA and Jmix plugins can be installed in one IDE instance, because the plugins are activated only for the certain type of project, by analyzing dependencies. Or you can choose to have CUBA and Jmix plugins in different IDEs as Mladen suggested.

In both cases you can use a single license key, just enter it in all IDEs you are using. There will be no violations as long as all IDEs using the key simultaneously work on the same computer.

Regarding Classic UI → Flow UI migration, take a look at this guide: Migration from Classic UI :: Jmix Documentation


Thanks @krivopustov, that’s what I wanted to know.