Missing <flexLayout> Component on Documentation

The <flexLayout>component showcased at https://demo.jmix.io/ui-samples/sample/flex-layout-simple seems to be nonexistent in both the documentation Layouts :: Jmix Documentation and in jmix 2.0. Could you please advise if there is an alternative to this component?


Thank you, I’ve created an issue for the documentation: Document FlexLayout component · Issue #635 · jmix-framework/jmix-docs · GitHub.

FlexLayout is supported in XML in 2.1 version.

In 2.0 you can use it programmatically or tune the div element in XML to behave as FlexLayout, for instance:

<div classNames="flex justify-end">
    <button text="Aligned to end"/>

CSS class names you can find here: Utility Classes | Lumo | Styling | Vaadin Docs.

And in com.vaadin.flow.theme.lumo.LumoUtility.

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