I have multiple nested collections that I’m trying to access in a single view for my users, and I do not understand what tool I’m supposed to use to approach getting the data. I have a client table with a many to one association with a “manager” table, that manager table has a one to many association with a “phone” table. Then from the “client” table I need to get the list of associated phone numbers for the “manager”. The simplified table layout looks like this:
Table - "client"
Table - "manager"
Table - "phone"
Then inside of my client view descriptor I have a fetch plan that includes the “refManager” and the its collection of associated “refPhone”. The assication works correctly from the “manager” view and from the “phone” view, I just do not understand how to then extract it the last step into the “client” view. I though a collection would do this but I cannot seem to draw a deeply nested collection in this way.
All help is appreciated, as I have several relationships like this to draw so my users aren’t as frustrated.
Thank you,