Nested embeddable entities

Dear Forum,

Jmix studio seems not to support nested embeddable entities (an embeddable which itself contains embeddables). Although eclipselink seems to support it.

@JmixEntity(name = "someEntity")
public class InformationReceived {
    @Embedded //Studio will fail on this
    private MessageReceived messageReceived;

Studio does not allow to create nested embeddables. It can be done in the code and does work in the application.

My problem is that the studio editor cannot handle those entities and fails with an “entity commit error”. It would be nice to have those nested entities for code separation and modularization.

Is there a way to enable this in studio or could it be implemented in the future?

Thank you very much


PS: Can you tell me where to find the log file mentioned in the studio error message: “Entity commit error. See log for details.”


Thanks for reporting the issue.
Studio doesn’t support such case and unfortunately there is no option to enable such support . I have created YouTrack issue.
But I didn’t reproduce the “entity commit error”. Could you please provide sample project with such nested embeddable entity? It would be very helpfull as a reference.

You can find idea.log file using IDE main menu: Help → Show Log in… (OS dependent file manager)