When we used keyValueCollection the pagination of last arrow button is not working it is permanently disable.
Jmix version 2.1.3
HI Maria,
Any solution on it.
This is the expected behavior because the internal query transformer cannot correctly create a count query for KeyValueCollection
As per link Issue seems to be fixed and release on Release 2.1 on Dec 21, 2023
but still for keyvaluecontainer
button is disable and also for all pagination value is initially showing ?
. Current Jmix version i am using is version '2.1.3'
<simplePagination id="pagination" dataLoader="masterDashboardDl" alignSelf="END" itemsPerPageDefaultValue="10"/>
<keyValueCollection id="masterDashboardDc">
<loader id="masterDashboardDl">
<![CDATA[select e, t.name as parentMasterName from master e
left join master t on e.parentMaster = t.id order by e.modifiedOn desc ]]>
<property name="t1" class="com.company.Master"/>
<property name="parentMasterName" datatype="string"/>
Take a look at “Solution” section in the linked issue. It says that “Last page” button should be disabled and “?” sign should not be shown for Key Value collections. The issue resolves only these statements.
for all pagination value is initially showing
I created a view with KeyValueCollection and do not see that “?” is displayed.