Possible Regression in Jmix Latest Release - Authorization Code Flow Broken

Hi everyone,

I think I may have found a regression in the latest Jmix release.

TL;DR: The authorization process using grant_type=authorization_code no longer proceeds as before and gets stuck.

I’ve built a small project where Jmix serves as the backend application, exposing REST services to a frontend application. My setup includes the following Jmix add-ons:

  • Authorization Server

Regarding the Authorization Server, I’ve configured authorization_code and refresh_token grant types. Everything worked fine until I upgraded Jmix to the latest version.

Now, authentication completes successfully, but instead of being redirected to http://localhost:8080/oauth2/authorize (which should continue the authorization process and generate the access_code), I get redirected to http://localhost:8080, effectively breaking the flow.

Debugging Insights

Digging deeper, I found that in previous versions (<2.5.0), the application stored the initial authentication URL (oauth2/authorize) at the start of the authentication process. Once the user was authenticated, it would redirect correctly, allowing the access_code to be generated.

Now, this URL is no longer saved, preventing the correct redirect. This seems to be due to a change in how URLs are stored in the request cache. Previously, all URLs were stored, but now only specific ones are saved. The relevant code snippet is:

public class FlowuiVaadinWebSecurity extends VaadinWebSecurity {


    public void setVaadinDefaultRequestCache(VaadinDefaultRequestCache vaadinDefaultRequestCache) {
        // Configure request cache to do not save resource
        // requests as they are not valid redirect routes.


    protected RequestCache getDelegateRequestCache() {
        HttpSessionRequestCache cache = new HttpSessionRequestCache();
        return cache;

    protected RequestMatcher createViewPathRequestMatcher(ViewRegistry viewRegistry) {
        return new JmixViewPathRequestMatcher(viewRegistry);


Currently, I’ve implemented a temporary workaround by overriding a method in an @Internal class (which isn’t ideal) to manually add the missing behavior:

public class MyAppSecurityConfiguration extends FlowuiVaadinWebSecurity {

    protected RequestMatcher createViewPathRequestMatcher(ViewRegistry viewRegistry) {
        return new MyAppPathRequestMatcher(viewRegistry);
public class MyAppPathRequestMatcher extends JmixViewPathRequestMatcher {

    public MyAppPathRequestMatcher(ViewRegistry viewRegistry) {

    public boolean matches(HttpServletRequest request) {
        // FIXME superclass Business Logic prevents saving oauth2/authorize requests causing wrong redirection when authentication is successful.
        String path = LocationUtil.ensureRelativeNonNull(request.getServletPath());
        if (path.startsWith("oauth2/authorize")) return true;
        return super.matches(request);

Possible Bug / Regression

I suspect this is a bug or regression in the latest Jmix release.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a new Jmix project with the REST API and Authorization Server add-ons.
  2. Replace the default client_credentials configuration with authorization_code grant type configuration (as documented in Jmix Authorization Server Docs).
  3. Test the authentication flow using OAuth Debugger.

Can anyone confirm this issue? Would appreciate any insights from the Jmix team. Thanks!

Hi Alessio,

Looks like a regression after Incorrect redirect to non view URLs after login · Issue #3756 · jmix-framework/jmix · GitHub.
Thank you very much for your request.
We will address it shortly.
