Reports bands jmix

Tengo un reporte creado y a la hora de volcar datos sobre la plantilla no se me duplican las bandas por grupo de datos. se puede hacer esto con JMIX reports?

e.indicador. codigo, e.actuaciones
from Logro e
left join e.indicador indicador

Lo que quiero es que la salida del informe saque las actuaciones agrupadas por indicador, pero cada una de ellas con la misma cabecera.

trabajo con el asistente de reports y jpql.

Please translate to English.

[quote=“miodiaz19, post:1, topic:2198, full:true”]
I have a report created and when dumping data on the template the bands are not duplicated by data group. Can this be done with JMIX reports?

e.indicator. code, e.performances
of Achievement and
left join e.indicator indicator

What I want is for the output of the report to show the activities grouped by indicator, but each with the same header.

I work with the report wizard and jpql.

You cannot do this using the wizard, it creates only plain reports with a single band.
You need multiple dependent bands, see this example.

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I would like to
create a message in a report for when there is no data to show.
does anyone know how to do it?
Thanks a lot

With a Groovy Dataset you can print any messages to a band depending on your conditions.