Rest API token and OPenID Connect with Keycloak cannot be used together?

seems to be problems using both Rest API and OpenID Connect .
I use an access token obtained through /oauth/token login , but JMIX raises no exceptions and returns no data regardless of the entities I request.

When using Postman I can see that returned header WWW-Authenticate contains this information

Bearer error=“invalid_token”, error_description=“An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: Invalid JWT serialization: Missing dot delimiter(s)”, error_uri=“

I am using keycloak, configured as indicated in OpenID Connect module documentation ( it works fine for jmix ui ).

Am I missing something ? Have I hit on some incompatibility ? Not being able to use rest api when using openid is a great limitation for a great platform such as this.


You can get access tokens from Keycloak. It is described in the add-on readme.

You need to remove the implementation("") dependency and use Keycloak endpoints for getting access tokens.