Running project in development mode with no access to folder


'io.jmix' version '2.1.3'
JDK 17
Tomcat 10

I am trying to deploy the project on production but getting below error.

[com/vaadin/flow/spring/VaadinApplicationConfiguration.class]: Running project in development mode with no access to folder

I had check the path for which this error is coming that path location seems to be in flow-build-info.json file . I had done changes also in & build.gradle file but still getting error.



war { 
    enabled = false

vaadin {
optimizeBundle = false

plugins {
    id 'war'

extends SpringBootServletInitializer implements AppShellConfigurator

Resolved corrected the configuration.

things to check:

  • go to IntelliJ, terminal, type ./gradlew “-Pvaadin.productionMode=true” bootJar
    This will output the production mode build into /build/libs folder of your project.

I recommend you add in the same place where your file is. In that new file (spring profile) enter the database credentials, or additional or different setting that you need for production (spring profile will use as default if a property is not present in the new file)
You can also set different logging, location of log file etc

main.datasource.url = jdbc:postgresql://
main.datasource.username = ---
main.datasource.password = ---

ui.login.defaultUsername =
ui.login.defaultPassword =

# Set the application work directory

# Set the root logging level to ERROR or WARN or INFO or DEBUG or TRACE

# Specify the log file path

# Specify the log file pattern
logging.pattern.file=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} - %msg%n

Then, copy that bootJar and start it with
java -jar ./yourprojectname-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

See if it works, and if yes, create a new service that you can start or stop using systemctl, assuming you are using Linux.

If there is again access error, then you will need to see if the user that you are starting the app has proper rights to the folders and files in question. In my example, I have placed jar inside /opt/yourprojectname
directory, and made sure that the user I created to start the application has permission to that and work directory etc.

Kind regards,