To be able to search in some indexes you need to have index definition interfaces for each of them in second project - basically the same you have in the first project.
But that causes the second project will try to manage index structure and track changes of data. And that, as I understand, should be the task for the first project (indexer), second project (searcher) should work in read only mode as far as possible.
Addon provides few application properties that disable automatic management operations:
- set to NONE to disable management of index mapping. That means indexes should be created some external way (in your case - via the first project).
- set to false to disable runtime tracking of changes in indexed entities. No more data will be added to the indexing queue.
- set to false to disable automatic reindexing if index has been created/recreated.
Using these properties you can make you second project some kind of read only (operations in JMX console are still available).
About paused job: don’t have enough info about this specific case. What is the last/next fire time of their triggers?
And as I understand - your second project should not modify data in index, only search.