It looks like ENTER does work, however only after first clicking somewhere on the screen!
The moment the screen opens, F1 and ENTER reacts both as F1 is pressed.
Every time you press F1 or Enter key, the notification ‘F1 pressed’ is displayed.
Once you click somewhere on the screen, ENTER reacts correctly.
<dialogMode positionX="0" positionY="0" height="570px" width="430px"/>
<buttonsPanel spacing="true">
<button id="f1Btn" caption="F1" shortcut="F1"/>
<button id="enterBtn" caption="ENTER" shortcut="ENTER"/>
public void onF1BtnClick(final Button.ClickEvent event) {
notifications.create(Notifications.NotificationType.WARNING).withDescription("F1 Pressed").show();
public void onEnterBtnClick(final Button.ClickEvent event) {
notifications.create(Notifications.NotificationType.WARNING).withDescription("ENTER Pressed").show();