Sign in / Register button does nothing

We have a new computer for a new trainee who shall do some tests tomorrow.

We wanted to register a new free subscription but the sign in / register button of the Jmix studio just opens an empty window.

We are behind a company firewall but we don’t see any connection attempts through the configured proxy. The test applications is working and running.

We are using IDEA 2023.3.6 and Jmix studio 2.2.1-233

Thank you for reporting the problem.
We will try to understand the reason and write an answer as soon as possible.

Also, can you please attach the log file after the problem occurs?
See where you can find log file

Thanks for your reply. There is only one new line in the log after navigating to Jmix studio. When pressing the button there is no additional line

2024-04-03 12:26:31,775 [11271560] INFO - #com.haulmont.jmixstudio.intellij.marketplace.descriptor.provider.HTTPDescriptorsProvider - Using cached /home/trainee/.cache/JetBrains/IdeaIC2023.3/jmix-studio/marketplace/available_app_components.json (updated at 02.04.24, 09:31)


Can you please enable debug logging for Jmix Studio and JCEF?

  1. Add -Dide.browser.jcef.log.level=verbose to the Custom VM options. This should create jcef_.log file in the system disc root (not sure for Windows) after JCEF browser first usage.

  2. Add the following lines to the Custom Debug Log Configuration (Help → Diagnostic Tools → Debug Log Settings…)

After this setup please open Jmix project, open login form and attach jcef_.log file and the whole IDEA log folder.

Also I have created an issue:

Hi @m.fedoseev

please find the logs attached. (88.0 KB)


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Thanks for the attached logs.

In logs I saw following line:
#c.i.u.j.JBCefApp - JCEF sandbox was disabled because of unsupported OS: debian gnu/linux. To skip this check run IDE with VM-option -Dide.browser.jcef.sandbox.disable_linux_os_check=true

May be it is the main cause of problems with JCEF and login form.

Can you try check Registry for key ide.browser.jcef.sandbox.enable?
Will enabling this option have an effect?
Select Help | Find Action from the main menu, type Registry..., select it and in the opened list, find the ide.browser.jcef.sandbox.enable options here.

Hi @m.fedoseev ,

I checked the Registry and the option ide.browser.jcef.sandbox.enable was enabled by default.
I disabled it but the behavior is still the same. I added the VM option mentioned in the log but this doesn’t help either.

Can you find jcef_xxx.log file(s) on your computer?
I see the following line in the idea.log:
2024-04-04 14:27:23,682 [ 48008] INFO - STDOUT - JCEF(27:23:681): initialized file logger, severity=LOGSEVERITY_VERBOSE, path='/home/buchholz/jcef_80915.log'

Hi, yes there is a jcef log.
We found an error there. It seams there is a default port appended at the end of the url. But as there is a path behind the server, this doesn’t work.

[0404/] NetworkDelegate::NotifyBeforeURLRequest:
[0404/] Fetched PAC script had (bad) status line: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found


Sorry, didn’t get your point.
Do you have Automatic proxy configuration URL set in IDEA?
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 18.11.20

Found JetBrains issue for similar problem

Sorry for the confusion. Yes, we have Automatic proxy configuration URL set to
To this URL JCEF seams to append the port 80.
I changed the IDEA settings to but the result and logs didn’t change. Please find the log attached.


jcef.log (9.6 KB)

Thanks for the log provided.
But I’am afraid that we can’t provide you any solution for the moment.

If the free subscription is still needed we can issue a free subscription key so the new user just enters it without login.

Our community manager will reach you soon with this option.

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