Studio, after update to IDEA Ult 2023.2, some things not working

So after updating to IDEA Ultimate 2023.2 (Build #IU-232.8660.185) - some features of Studio are non-functioning. I particularly notice when typing a query for DataManager - I no longer get auto-suggestions for the entity name nor the entity’s attributes as before.

Is this a known issue?

Another issue - this one pretty major - right-clicking on “Screens” in the “User Interface” category of the Jmix tool window and then picking New → Screen pops up an empty window stating “No templates found” - so I cannot create screens currently.

Update - the “No templates found” issue is project-dependent - one project (my main, important project) is getting this problem, another is not.

I need a fix for this though since I cannot create screens in the affected project, and it’s our main one!

(And yes, I’ve done the usual cache invalidation, etc, steps. :slight_smile: )


Did you try to check “Delete Jmix Studio templates and artifacts caches” option when invalidating IDE caches?

“No templates found” issue is project-dependent.
Does the project that not getting the problem has the same Jmix version as the main project?

And could you please provide idea.log file?

I did try the “Delete Jmix…caches” option, to no avail. And no, they’re not the same version - one is 1.5.3 (the nonworking project) and the other is still on 1.5.2.

idea.log had no interesting entries.

Unfortunately, in an attempt to downgrade to IDEA 2023.1 to see if that would fix the issue, I somehow made everything work correctly. I first copied “existing IDEA directory” to “existing IDEA directory backup” in case this was a horrible idea. :smiley: Then I extracted the 2023.1 archive over the “existing IDEA directory” - which produced all manner of issues. So I deleted “existing IDEA directory” and then renamed “existing IDEA directory backup” (which was merely a cp -R copy of "existing IDEA directory) back to “existing IDEA directory” … and then everything is working.

I don’t understand this behavior at all, but everything is working (including the first issue with auto-suggest), so I don’t know. I wish I knew WHY that made things work.

I am also getting strange errors after migrating to intelliJ 2023.2.

 Could not resolve all task dependencies for configuration ':runtimeClasspath'.
   > Could not find com.flowingcode.vaadin.addons:orgchart-addon:4.2.2.
     Searched in the following locations:
     Required by:
         project : > project :myappmdg:myappmdg-starter
         project : > project :myappmdg:myappmdg-starter > project :myappmdg:myappmdg

It was working fine below this upgrade.
Though I noticed that the following gradle file contents was removed after migration :slight_smile:

 maven {
            url ''

However, even though I have restored it, I get the above exception.

After fixing those dependencies, it’s now working in 2023.2.