Support for Ganttchart in Apache ECharts


I was wondering if it is possible to use the ganttchart from the Apache ECharts in jmix 2.3? I cant select it in the series/charts of the chart. If it is not possible, is there an other solution for using a ganttchart in jmix 2.3?




Here is an example of a GanttChart in Apache ECharts: Examples - Apache ECharts

Implementation is possible, but will be resource-intensive. The framework doesn’t natively support such a type of series as custom which is used in this example.

Almost code must be written in JavaScript, then called using the chart.getElement().executeJs() method. It is impossible to bind data from the standard Jmix data model in this case because in the framework the data is provided in a dataset, which consists of an array of entities. In this example, the data is provided in matrix form.

The provided example on JavaScript looks cumbersome. Probably, a simpler way to implement Gantt would be to find a suitable JavaScript library and integrating it into your Jmix application. For example: JavaScript Gantt Chart Library - DHTMLX Gantt


Hi willem.
I have the same problem. I need to convert a CUBA application in JMIX 2.4 where activities were displayed with a timeline chart.
I don’t know how to do it without buying third-party components.
And you, have you solved it?

Anyone found a solution to this?

I am in the same situation as @michele.borgna ready to start a big new project but planning is an important part of it…

@d.kremnev could someone from Haulmont be able to provide an example or support?