Tabs: keyboard not working - jmix.ui.component.main-tab-sheet-next-tab-shortcut

The shortcut for Tabs is not working. FF and Safari tested latest versions.
It should work for default:
Thank you.

Hi, Tomas!

Looks like everything works well.

You can change the hotkeys to any convenient for you in the


Thanks a lot. My misunderstanding… This one works fine, you are right.
What I wanted was to use keyboard to switch to next tab in TabSheet control/container, not to the next window.
Looks like there is no way to use keyboard to navigate trough a form with TabSheet control… :frowning:

You can use standard keyboard controls:

  • TAB - for select focus tabsheet
  • ArrowRight/ArrowLeft - for navigation between tabs
  • Space - to select tab


Hmmm… What browser are you using? It is not working…
Actually I tried this in the first place… TAB key press never brings focus to TabSheet “Tab 1” or “Tab 2”.

Tested on Safari latest, Firefox latest, Chrome latest, Edge latest… Nothing!
Tested on your demo page…


I’m using the latest version of Chrome.
Example from the demo page.

Take a closer look, the focus on Tab is not pronounced, it is difficult to notice it. The tab caption should turn purple.

Sorry, this is not working. I tried Chrome on Windows and macOS too.
Tab of the TabSheet never receives focus so it never handles arrow key event.
I dont get… How do you achieve it… :man_shrugging:

BTW: Flow UI sampler app works. Tab receives focus and can be changed by keyboard. But nothing in classic UI…

not working too in classic ui

UPDATE: after selecting the tab by mouse click, it is possible to move the focus and then press spacebar to open it.

  • the move of the focus is hidden and cannot be seen (use DevTools and document.activeElement)
  • it is not possible to get there using keyboard.


  1. The focus is visible a little bit in dark mode theme.
  2. The tab is reachable via SHIFT+TAB from the first element on the tabsheet. It is not possible to go there from last element on th tabsheet… which is a pitty… because the main reason for all this is this usecase: I am using keyboard, I fill last field and want to use keyboard to go to the next field on the next tab…