The database synchronization feature is gone!?

The database synchronization feature is no longer working. I´ve created a new entity and Jmix does not generate and apply a new changelog as it used to do.
Also, when I try the “Update” option from the Main Data Store menu, it just says that the database is synchronized with the model.
I checked my license and it seems to be ok.
Please see the screen images attached.

Jmix license
The database is synced msg
Update option

Hi Ramiro,

The “Update” action just runs existing changelogs if there are new.
To generate changelogs for the difference, use the “Generate Liquibase Changelog” action in the same context menu. The presence of this action indicates that this function is available.

To generate changelogs on the application start, there must be a “Before Launch” task in the run configuration:

See also Run/Debug Configuration Settings.

Thanks for the help, Konstantin!
I was missing the 3 “Before launch” tasks but I don´t know why, since I had them set up before. Maybe any migration to a newer version of Intellij or Jmix?

Anyway, it works now and I know how to proceed if the problem happens again in the future.

Sorry for coming back with this topic but Jmix database migration is most probably playing games with me as he knows I’m no match for him.

As before, I am trying to update the database after including a field in one entity as below:

    @Column(name = "ACT_DESCR_FILE", length = 1024)
    private FileRef actDescrFile;

    public FileRef getActDescrFile() {
        return actDescrFile;

    public void setActDescrFile(FileRef actDescrFile) {
        this.actDescrFile = actDescrFile;

When trying to run the project or if I call the “Generate Liquibase Changelog” option from the main datastore context menu, I just get the message “The database is already synced with model.”. If I try to run the application, I get an exception “SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column ‘ACT_DESCR_FILE’ in ‘field list’” in the browse screen for the entity.
I checked everything I could, including updating to latest 1.X.X version as below:
Run configuration:
Changelog folder contents:

Any ideas on what am I missing? Thanks.