Trying to debug my JMIX application making so many database calls

I have a JMIX application running JMIX version 1.3.1.

It is calling the database millions of times, and I cannot find those queries in my code (I assume they are generated queries). I tried to turn on sql debug:
logging.level.eclipselink.logging.sql: debug

However, i still don’t see any sql info in my logs.
I also added: “true” debug DEBUG
cuba.entityLog.enabled: “true”

I still dont see info about sql in the logs. How can I debug the generated queries?

  1. Create new Jmix 1.3.1 application.
  2. Change default logging.level.eclipselink.logging.sql = info to logging.level.eclipselink.logging.sql = debug
  3. Start app and login
  4. Look at IDEA console log:

2023-11-11 13:06:53.199 DEBUG 20332 — [nio-8080-exec-8] eclipselink.logging.sql : <t 1933875616, conn 1915179853> SELECT ID, ACTIVE, EMAIL, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, PASSWORD, TIME_ZONE_ID, USERNAME, VERSION FROM USER_ WHERE (USERNAME = ?)
bind => [admin]

I have added that to my application properties, however i don’t see the sql logs in my app console.