Ui-filter role missing permission for date interval dialog

We have Jmix 1.4.4 and use a date filter with a predefined interval at one screen. This works pretty well but now we have a use case were the filter should be shifted/extended. Unfortunally the used get a “access denied” and in the log we see

2024-04-09 14:32:27.295 ERROR [example,952c7d277792460a,952c7d277792460a] 419 — [http-nio-8080-exec-5] i.j.s.i.h.AccessDeniedExceptionHandler : resource: ui_DateIntervalDialog, type: screen, action: null

Adding ui-filter role to the user didn’t change that.


Thank you for reporting a problem! I’ve created a task: Filter role does not contain permission to DateIntervalDialog · Issue #3121 · jmix-framework/jmix · GitHub

For now, you can create new role with permission to this screen.

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