UIRefreshEvent not working in JMIX 2.3


I am using refreshevent listner in jmix 1.5 which is working but the same if i am trying to use in Jmix 2.3 i am getting no import found and even @eventlistner is not getting annotated.

Jmix 1.5 code

    protected void onPageRefresh(UIRefreshEvent event) {

event listner Annotation type expected and Cannot resolve symbol 'UIRefreshEvent' errore


UIRefreshEvent is used to handle the web page refresh in the classic UI, for example, to reload data. A dedicated event is needed because in Jmix 1.x, the UI is preserved, meaning that it is not recreated after a page refresh. In Jmix 2.x, views are recreated when a page refreshes, so all data is reloaded and the UI is updated. Therefore, there is no need for a separate event.