Unable to create pagination on dto screen

How to create pagination on dto entity browse screen same like other browse ui screen.

  1. Add simplePagination component and link it to a data loader:

    <simplePagination id="pagination" dataLoader="tasksDl" 
  2. In loader delegate, get the paging parameters from LoadContext and use them to limit the result list by the current page:

    @Install(to = "tasksDl", target = Target.DATA_LOADER)
    protected List<Task> tasksDlLoadDelegate(LoadContext<Task> loadContext) {
        int firstResult = loadContext.getQuery().getFirstResult();
        int maxResults = loadContext.getQuery().getMaxResults();
        return taskService.loadTasks().stream()

    Of course, it’s better to pass paging parameters to the service which returns the data.

  3. Generate totalCountDelegate for the simplePagination component and return the total number of records from it:

    @Install(to = "pagination", subject = "totalCountDelegate")
    private Integer paginationTotalCountDelegate(final DataLoadContext dataLoadContext) {
        return taskService.loadTasks().size();
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