Unable to load fonts for reports add-on PDF conversion due to java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException

Hi, I am putting fonts for PDF output of report (reports add-on) to a specific directory (configured via jmix.reports.pdf-fonts-directory). I am reaching the folder, I am reaching the font files, but on each converter.addFont(file); of loadFontsFromDirectory() method of HtmlFormatter class a java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException is thrown and font is not loaded/added.

Providing a screenshot from breakpoint

Any hints please?



Just to close the open-ended forum post and share > all font-related problems can be resolved by using the appropriate OCI run image for your Jmix app by using the runImage with proper font support which we opensourced here GitHub - DTForce/run-jammy-base-w-font-support: Jammy base OCI run image with font support

This post can be closed / marked as resolved. Happy Holidays!