Upload from excel

I am using Jmix Flow UI for my project. I am also using Grid Export Actions addon. Since I want to also upload data from excel to my application, I am wondering If I can use the same API library used for excel export. Can someone tell me if there is any existing API in Jmix environment hat can be used to upload from excel and some code snippets?

Have a look at the code from @mario 's data-import addon.

Note that it is for CUBA, but the related APIs have not changed that much.

Hi Marc
I am aware of that but i don’t prefer using CUBA add-on or API as Jmix FlowUI is a different framework and may APIs not compatible… I would prefer what is already exists in Jmix…

CAUTION: This add-on is now in the incubating state and its API and behavior may be modified in the future minor and patch releases.