Vaadin dev-bundle "updated" every start after upgrade to jmix 2.1.2

I upgraded from jmix 2.1.1 to 2.1.2. The only files modified by studio were the build.gradle and After starting the app for the first time after upgrade, many dev-bundle files were also modified. At this point all modified files were committed and merged into main. Everything seemed OK so far.

Now, every time I start the app there is more work being done related to the dev-bundle. Everything seems to work, it just takes much more time to start. It takes about 24 seconds for the “Creating a new development mode bundle” step. After starting the app git status shows there are no modified files, yet the process repeats the next time I start it.

Here are the relevant lines from the log:

2024-01-14T12:09:59.379-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] i.j.d.impl.JmixEntityManagerFactoryBean  : Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'main'
2024-01-14T12:09:59.691-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.VaadinServletContextInitializer  : Search for VaadinAppShell took 64 ms
2024-01-14T12:10:12.976-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.VaadinServletContextInitializer  : Search for subclasses and classes with annotations took 12893 ms
2024-01-14T12:10:12.976-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.VaadinServletContextInitializer  : Due to slow search it is recommended to use the whitelisted-packages feature to make scanning faster.

See the whitelisted-packages section in the docs at
2024-01-14T12:10:13.043-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.b.d.startup.DevModeStartupListener   : Starting dev-mode updaters in D:\Projects\ajjf\membership folder.
2024-01-14T12:10:13.084-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.f.s.FullDependenciesScanner      : Visited 154 classes. Took 27 ms.
2024-01-14T12:10:13.086-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.frontend.BundleValidationUtil    : Checking if a development mode bundle build is needed
2024-01-14T12:10:13.330-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.frontend.BundleValidationUtil    : Detected new or changed theme components CSS files
 - generated\jar-resources\themes\jmix-lumo\components\vaadin-form-layout.css

2024-01-14T12:10:13.330-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.frontend.BundleValidationUtil    : Detected removed theme components CSS files
 - generated/jar-resources/themes/jmix-lumo/components/vaadin-form-layout.css

2024-01-14T12:10:13.330-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [           main] c.v.f.s.frontend.BundleValidationUtil    : A development mode bundle build is needed
2024-01-14T12:10:13.362-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [onPool-worker-1] c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskUpdatePackages      : Skipping `pnpm install` because the frontend packages are already installed in the folder 'D:\Projects\ajjf\membership\node_modules' and the hash in the file 'D:\Projects\ajjf\membership\node_modules\.vaadin\vaadin.json' is the same as in 'package.json'
2024-01-14T12:10:13.363-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [onPool-worker-1] c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskCopyFrontendFiles   : Copying frontend resources from jar files ...
2024-01-14T12:10:13.415-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [onPool-worker-1] c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskCopyFrontendFiles   : Visited 19 resources. Took 52 ms.
2024-01-14T12:10:13.582-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [onPool-worker-1] c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskRunDevBundleBuild   : Creating a new development mode bundle. This can take a while but will only run when the project setup is changed, addons are added or frontend files are modified
2024-01-14T12:10:37.119-05:00  INFO 15756 --- [onPool-worker-1] c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskRunDevBundleBuild   : Development frontend bundle built
2024-01-14T12:10:37.125-05:00  WARN 15756 --- [onPool-worker-1] c.v.f.s.frontend.TaskRunDevBundleBuild   : Failed to create a README file in src/main/dev-bundle
Vaadin application has been deployed and started to the context path "/".


We will take a look at the problem. Thank you for noticing.


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This is a Vaadin bug (see GitHub issue) which seems to affect only Windows machines. The very next feature release (Jmix 2.2) will include fix from Vaadin.




the issue will be fixed in the very next bug fix release if Jmix 2.1, but with the cost of reverting Vaadin version that includes fix for this problem. As I mentioned earlier, Jmix 2.2 will have fixes for both problems.
