Hi there,
I am struggling with the zoom functions in a Ganttchart. Where in the serialchart everything works as expected, the ganttchart won’t work I like it to.
First I tried to use the setZoomOutOnDataUpdate(false), which does not work in my app. Then I tried the addZoomListener, addAxisZoomListener, addZoomListener etc.
To no avail. As a way around I tried to interpret the pixels on the onGanttChartChartClick and convert the pixels to dates. To my chagrin when I tried to
zoomToDates or zoomToIndexes, the ganttchart zooms the categoryAxis instead of the valueaxis.
What I want is to hold the current zoomed in periode in an ganttchart where the segments change while using the same startdate and enddate. Could someone please help me?
TIA Willem