Hello, I would like to jump in and say a few words.
I agree with Borut about “preconfigured service tasks”, but here are some more use cases and thoughts.
“eye candy”
If you look at the no code/low code solutions around, that are using some BPMN engine or other, you can see that indeed they have “preconfigured tasks” with custom icons. For the end user, its cool to have a task with mail icon, because its easier on their cognitive load to use the functionality. Another reason is “eye candy”, users like it. More eye candy assures user that it is powerful product that even if he use 10%, he feels good knowing that he would use if needed ever.
“Haulmont commercial”
CUBA/Jmix at current stage is a product that is used to make such products. BPM is a commercial addon that is one of the Haulmont revenue streams so the Jmix development can go on. More capabilities makes more powerful product that then attracts new customers.
“preconfigured user tasks”
Like preconfigured service tasks, only with predefined variables and extension properties and custom element icon. Example is customer details, like name, phone, e-mail, address … not badly needed as preconfigured service tasks, but cool to have. Maybe this 2 use cases can be merged into just one"preconfigured task" where you can predefine variables and extension properties, and service call and its parameters.
Some sort of customizable folders would be needed for this. CUBA BPM had them, but imo they made too much, BPMN elements should be in one folder … would like to extension properties for the entire process, or start task.