I am having some issues when trying to log in with a new user ID. The user has the following credentials that should have been enough to log in:
The datatools-entity-info allows access to main-view but, please have a look at the error message below, it seems the security is not allowing though.
I’m getting the following “Access denied” message:
: Denied access to [menu item: datatl_entityInspectorListView] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:22.287-05:00 DEBUG 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] io.jmix.core.AccessLogger : Denied access to [menu item: mten_Tenant.list] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:22.288-05:00 DEBUG 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] io.jmix.core.AccessLogger : Denied access to [menu item: appSettings.view] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:22.289-05:00 DEBUG 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] io.jmix.core.AccessLogger : Denied access to [menu item: entityLog.view] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:22.289-05:00 DEBUG 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] io.jmix.core.AccessLogger : Denied access to [menu item: userSession.view] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:22.289-05:00 DEBUG 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] io.jmix.core.AccessLogger : Denied access to [menu item: quartz_JobModel.list] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:22.289-05:00 DEBUG 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] io.jmix.core.AccessLogger : Denied access to [menu item: sys_LockInfo.list] for user [005914] by io.jmix.securityflowui.constraint.UiMenuConstraint
2023-12-21T18:13:23.498-05:00 INFO 83025 --- [nio-8080-exec-1] i.j.f.c.error.JmixInternalServerError : Cannot navigate to the parent layout com.inteacc.main.view.main.MainView
I’m using al latest edition of V2.1.1